Enrico Scio
Position: Partner
Pratice Areas: Directional and Financial Consultancy
Tel: +39 030-46800
E-mail: scio@scioeassociati.it
Date of Birth: 10 April 1959
Education: Graduated in Economics, University of Parma, 1982; Chartered Accountant, Italy, 1995; admitted to Practice Before the Taxation Courts, Italy, 1987.
Experience: Enrico Scio is founder partner of the firm. His practice area is managerial consultancy and M&A.
Languages: Italian, English, French
Paola Scalvenzi
Position: Consultant
Pratice Areas: Fiscal and Company Consultancy
Tel: +39 030-46800
E-mail: scalvenzi@scioeassociati.it
Date of Birth: 28 July 1968
Education: Graduated in Economics, University of Brescia, 1993; Chartered Accountant, Italy, 1999; admitted to Practice Before the Taxation Courts, Italy, 2002.
Experience: Paola Scalvenzi joined the firm in 1994. Her practice area is Tax.
Languages: Italian, English, French
Mario Diciomma
Position: Consultant
Pratice Areas: Directional and Financial Consultancy
Tel: +39 030-46800
E-mail: diciomma@scioeassociati.it
Date of Birth: 27 February 1968
Education: Graduated in Economics, University of Brescia, 1993; Chartered Accountant, Italy, 2000.
Experience: Mario Diciomma joined the firm in 2000; he previously worked as manager by KPMG S.p.A., specializing himself in auditing and due diligence of financial institutions. His practice area is managerial consultancy and M&A.
Languages: Italian, English, German